This little baby is a white leghorn breed.  They are beyond cute when they are young.

Amaranth is a plant used both as a leaf vegetable, and as a grain. Amaranth is highly nutritious and is known as a food that was used by the Aztec Indians. In the picture is a breed of red amaranth sprouting in a seed tray.  They are in the baby leaf stage.  They also work great for micro greens, and need to be picked a few days earlier than what is shown in the pic. This amaranth grows very easily and can withstand somewhat dry conditions temporarily. This type of amaranth does not produce a large amount of grain like the traditional larger breeds.  This breed stays somewhat short, and the grains form near the leaf and branch nodes. This stuff reseeds itself readily, and I would recommend it to anyone with a garden.  

Fresh Organic cacao pods from our trees.  Chocolate comes from the seeds inside of the pod. The seeds are dried, roasted and ground to make pure cocoa powder.

It is a great feeling harvesting eggs from your own hens that you have raised. They are also free of hormones and steroids.  The eggs that I get out of my back yard also have yolks that are much darker and rich in color, sometimes even looking towards the orange side.  I recommend keeping hens to anyone who has the space.  You do not need a rooster to have laying hens.